You just know that he is special

Though he hides it deep inside

My son so full of love and heart

As his Dad he brings me pride


Though he doesn’t act the way

You think that he should be

If you take a look at him up close

You would find so much of me


When I was young and at his age

I was known to live from day to day

Not giving thought to what might be

Content to spend my life in play


My Son
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As years went on and I grew up

There came a time when I could see

That there was more to life than play

Much more that I would want to be


My son will find the same choice

It will be his to face some day

To grow into a man with purpose

Or to spend his life in childish play


I look at him and have no doubt

The man that he will come to be

To find a road that’s his to walk

Give him time and you will see


For way beyond his youthful joy

He has purpose that will grow

Perhaps a son his own some day

To give the pride his Father knows